
How to dehydrate fruit and vegetables

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How to dehydrate fruit and vegetables

Learn to dehydrate food to ensure summer melts into winter.

Dehydration is used to make fruit leathers, vegetable chips, quince paste, tomato paste and to make a range of fruits shelf stable.

This technique is also very useful for semidrying olives, tomatoes and plums. Semi dried olives create a very rich explosive flavour, semi dried tomatoes are delicious in winter sandwiches and semi dried plums can be salted and stored in jars where they can be added to steamy rice dishes.

There are various ways to dehydrate food:

  • using your oven
  • using an electric dehydrator
  • using a trampoline
  • using a passive solar dryer
  • using the underside of a tin roof
  • using the underside of any roof
  • your car bonnet
  • inside your car on the dashboard…

This class will discuss each method to help you build confidence and knowhow.

We will make:

  • Quince paste
  • Fruit leather
  • Dried seasonal fruit

We will taste a range of pre dried fruit and vegetables to better understand the results we seek to attain.

I look forward to meeting you and to sharing this very valuable skill.

Arrivederci! Mara



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I am extremely sorry to say that it’s not possible to give refunds once payment is made, nor to change your booking to a different date or different class, regardless of reason, or lead up time. You can however sell your ticket to another.

We look forward to meeting you! Much huge care and all the very best, from Mara.