The principles of fermentation are easy, that is why fermenting is being practised all over the world. Every traditional culture, from Japan to Italy, Germany to India, have fermenting practices and much-loved recipes.
In the early 1800’s Nicolas Appert of France developed a method of preserving food that made it shelf-stable and which saw a move away from fermented foods in the western world. At the time, communities were looking for ways to make food last longer and ways to protect food during long periods of transportation. The result was canned foods.
Canned foods share some similarities with fermented foods in that they make food last longer, but also some key differences, canned foods ‘preserve food’ or “mummify it” by killing all bacteria. This allows food in cans to hold its colour, texture and nutritional value for many years.
Fermented foods are different in that bacteria is not killed but actively encouraged to grow. Raw ingredients are submerged in liquid (water) to catalyse bacterial growth such as lactic acid bacteria under anaerobic conditions.
This process creates a complex web of flavours not found in canned foods. In fact, fermented foods are exploding with flavour. While many canned foods offer a very simplistic, one-dimensional flavour experience.
There is a huge fermented food revival because fermented foods taste fantastic!
The flavour of fermented food literally awakens us! Fermentation also creates a rich probiotic meal: bacteria that can help us maintain or increase gut flora biodiversity. But they are not for everyone… for some fermented foods are no match for their digestive needs. For others, the acidity, complex flavour and probiotic nature of fermented food makes them feel like their tummies are alive once more! active and digesting food in the very best way!
In this class, I will teach you the principles of fermentation and take you through a range of simple recipes. We will make:
Hepburn Kimchi: a Korean inspired kraut.
Garlic Ferment
Honey herb ferment
Lemon Ferment
Berry ferment
We will taste test home made yogurt and home made kimchi with a bowl of hot rice.
Join me for this super tasty class!
Please Note: to purchase tickets for this event you need to visit HUMANITIX