Learn to make your own delicious sourdough bread to take home.
We will also make flat bread to have for a shared lunch.
Bring a vegetarian filling to share (zero disposable packaging)
“I really love baking bread and I really love teaching’
What To Bring
Small jar to take leaven home
An apron
Two tea towels
Lots of questions
What you can anticipate
How to make your own leaven at home.
Bakers %
How to create your own recipes
Use our recipe to create a bread you can take home
How & when to add special ingredients to your dough
The importance of gluten development in free form loaves
No knead to minimal knead for tin loaves
Methods for slowing down and speeding up fermentation
How to make flat bread
I will provide:
A digital handout with important details about naturally leavened bread
A one page handout with the recipe we will use on the day
All tools: tins, cutters, spatulas, flour, leaven, scales.