It’s getting a little strange in the garden. More and more of the garden is looking white instead of green. I am having to cover all my crops with bird netting; the cherry tree, plum tree, raspberry and boysenberry plants, lettuce, basil, Bok choy, kale, persimmon, quince, apricots. Because the possums want it all. I have been a little stubborn and slow with the bird netting. While I sat in possum denial land the pomegranate shrub was decimated…the nectarine tree will be next if I don’t get to it soon. I am getting better at netting as a result and as my skills improved with each tree I started fantasising that my bird netting application prowess would reach such lofty heights that every neighbour in the hood would look to me for bird netting application know how lessons and I would become globally known for my amazing bird netting application prowess skills…it is important to keep your spirits up when possum magic visits your garden.