These photos

by | Mar 25, 2017 | Composting, Gardeners & Farmers, In the Garden

Two posts for this month to make up for the fact that I did not post in February. Although some of you will have seen this post on facebook or Instagram as I spread my pictures and experiences across all three and not always in any chronological order.

I never want social media to feel oppressive or stressful, I never want it to become something that I need to feed to the point where the ‘living’ and experiencing part of my life is compromised. Hence my posts come when there is a pause and a moment of stillness and not as a result of a particular deadline or timeline.

These photos were taken over a month ago. They capture a feeling in me. A feeling I feel lucky to feel. And at the moment I am feeling it a lot. A sense of brightness and luminosity, lightness and splendour.

Like a relationship in its infancy.

This move to this small town which feels so big. And I feared it would feel so small. How long will this feeling last? How to tread lightly, gently, with some humility?

How to care for others, how to care for my family and how to care for me.

What mistakes will be made, what blunders will sometimes spill.

I have come home from watching a film with my twelve-year-old daughter. During the screening she grabbed my hand and said she loved me. The story took her a little by surprise. She chose the film, PG rated but it had a seriousness she had not anticipated and felt the darkness of its themes and held me in appreciation and gratitude.

This blog was once upon a time meant to be strictly focused on horticulture, seed germination, transplanting tips, greening cities. But I accept that for the time being it is more of a diary.

These photos were taken at our Daylesford Community Working Bee.

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Skills sharing. Ian is an experienced orchardist and talking with him is always a great learning pleasure.

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Our local community councillor, Fiona.

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Weeding, mulching, composting.

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Removing spent plants.

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Whipper snipping paths.

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A really wonderful turn out to this event.

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With something to do for everyone.

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Breaking down large branches for the compost.

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Brassicas and Patrick.

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Community piano.

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Community pram pusher.

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An experienced gardener, Woody is a blooming gem.

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End of the day.



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