Before departing from my city life I made one last loaf of sourdough bread and it was one of the finest I have made. Now three months have passed and I miss my bread. I am trying to stay out of the kitchen as I want to focus on planting trees and establishing a garden. Plants take a long time to grow and as i hope to have a garden established within the next two years, outdoors i must be. I have learned from this second bread making absence that I really, really like the bread I make and that I do like my bread a little sour. I really like bread with a bit of weight too. I am supporting local bakeries at present whose bread is good…of course it’s good! But I miss mine. The bread I am eating at present seems so plain, so very plain at times that my taste buds want to go on strike.
You miss your bread. I miss you bread queen. Can’t wait to see photos of what’s happening out there!! Can’t wait to visit!
Tanti baci to you all xxx
Kirti, hello, thank you for staying in touch. I will post some photos soon, dear wonderful Kirti.