All articles on: In the kitchen
The Best Gift – Part Three

The Best Gift – Part Three

The best gift is your listening, your attentive active listening. Your inquisitive questions, not rushing to interrupt. Your present presence, your engagement and your thoughtful gentle affirmations of what is being shared. The Best Gift - Holly, effervescent and...

Wild Yeasted Bread Baking Class

Wild Yeasted Bread Baking Class

I love to teach the Bake's Percentage. A simple set of parameters that allow you to free form the bread making process. The Baker's Percentage states that every ingredient is a % of the total flour amount. If I am making 3 loaves of bread and each loaf needs 700g of...

The best gift

The best gift

I met my first best gift in year ten. A girl called Sam. Then along the way I met other gifts, Kulja, Jane, Lise, Amber. All of them great listeners, open, vulnerable, authentic, real, and all of them made me feel needed. Twenty five years later they are still with me...

Sweet and wild: Sumptuous syrups from foraged flora

Sweet and wild: Sumptuous syrups from foraged flora

This was first published in Sanctuary Magazine Issue 64 You are probably familiar with fruit cordials; perhaps you even have a family recipe that comes out in time for summer. But did you know that delicious drinks can be made using wild floral infusions? Mara Ripani...

How to make home made pasta

How to make home made pasta

I started making my own pasta the moment I moved out of my family home. It was impossible not to. My mum always made it and therefore it was the normal thing to do. In shared households all over Melbourne I made pasta. In rental kitchens in Fitzroy, Kensington,...

Volunteers you are amazing!

Volunteers you are amazing!

We welcome volunteers from all over the world to ORTO. As well as local volunteers. I thrive on their visits and stories. I rejoice in the interactions and skills shared. I love teaching and the questions I receive keep me learning and motivated. I like finding ways...

How to make Lilac Cordial

How to make Lilac Cordial

I want to build culture away from supermarkets and consumerism and into gardens, forests and streams. The very talented Caroline who wears a knitted hat made by her and a woven poncho (underneath the long cardigan) also made by her, picking Lilacs with an expression I...

What makes one sausage better than another?

What makes one sausage better than another?

What makes one sausage better than another? In most cases it is not an elaborate recipe handed down by an amazing cook nor the artisanal skills of a highly skilled butcher. What makes food taste great is simplicity itself! The kind of simplicity that is incredibly...

How to dry fruit

How to dry fruit

How to dry fruit Fruit drying is a rewarding way to preserve your summer harvest. Like many preserving techniques it is simple to do (one of the simplest) and the results are extremely satisfying. By the end of the season, your larder shelves will be adorned with...

How to make cake using summer or winter fruit

How to make cake using summer or winter fruit

In the freezer are containers full of boysenberries, raspberries and strawberries. In the winter garden, rhubarb! Pudding like cake with summer boysenberries stored in our freezer. There is a cake recipe that I have adapted to make the most of my fruit harvest. This...

Cooking School

Cooking School

Family pasta and lunch event with pizzica folk dancing This photo captures a feeling...the very feeling that brought me here. A feeling of deep satisfaction and warmth. The same emotion I first felt 20 years ago when together with Lise and Sam two of my closest...

Preserving for beginners

Preserving for beginners

Preserving class Sunday 20th of June 2pm to 6pm at ORTO Farm, Blampied. I love foraging, I love growing and I want to make the very most of what I find and what I grow. Preserving for beginners offers all the skills needed to preserve the taste of summer, the cool of...

How to make soap

How to make soap

Lard and charcoal soap After five years of making soap I started to get that lovely feeling I get when I know that I have cultivated enough soap making skills to share those skills. This year I launched our first soap making classes. In each class we make two bars of...

Vegan Soap Lard Soap Making Class

Vegan Soap Lard Soap Making Class

Sunday 21st February 3-6pm at ORTO Farm Blampied, just outside of Daylesford. Using traditional soap making skills, it is possible to make a years’ worth of soap in just one day. We will make two batches of soap: One using plant based oils and the other using lard....

Strawberries cornflowers and volunteer fairies

Strawberries cornflowers and volunteer fairies

Volunteer fairies are back! And I am so happy to have their support. At this time of the year the strawberry harvest is bountiful. We have been drying strawberries on a regular basis. They keep well in glass jars, their flavour a concentrated summer explosion. We are...

Welcome to ORTO

Welcome to ORTO

Our property is becoming a little more abundant each year. With hens and roosters and geese. Our hens have various homes. An enclosed run with deep litter. And various orchards and paddocks where they can roam. And now geese! Proud and confident, they roam in ORTO two...

Fungi Language

Fungi Language

New words have travelled and found me, making their home in my minds nest. Popping out clearly at times and hiding at the very bottom of my nest unretractable and reluctant when I need them most. Words new, such as pileus, lamellae, stipe, mycelia and hyphae. Over the...

How to dry quinces and make quince cordial.

How to dry quinces and make quince cordial.

In March it’s hard not to be gluttonous. It’s hard for me to walk away from a quince tree with only a small amount of quinces. Instead I have this hungry energy as though the tree I have found is the only tree in the world and these are the only quinces I will ever...